
HomeEducationThird phase cut off marks out for +2 admission in Odisha

Third phase cut off marks out for +2 admission in Odisha

This article is over 7 years old.

In the third phase, the announcement of Mark cut off in the list for entry to junior colleges in Odisha was announced today.

The third phase is reduced by reducing the percentage of marks in important colleges in various streams:

Science section: BJJ Junior College (91.20), Ravenshaw Junior College (91.20), Khallikhot Junior College (89.33), RD Junior College (83.67).

Art Stream: Ravenhev Junior College (73), BJJ Junior College (74.50)

Commerce section: BJJ Junior College (80.67), Ravenshaw Junior College (77.17).

The cut off marks of all colleges are available on the website of Higher Education-

Admission to 3 rounds selection will be from July 5 to 6.


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